What workplace learning techniques do you prefer?

This question was asked during a recent survey.

The top 10 answers showed that most people prefer:

  1. practical, hands on methods
  2. working in groups
  3. an interactive environment
  4. opportunities to experiment
  5. learning from mistakes
  6. problem-solving activities
  7. a clear why (benefit & purpose)
  8. humour & fun
  9. a relaxed environment
  10. an engaging presenter

Research in adult learning shows that adults also need the learning outcomes to have an immediate impact in their daily life. The ability to choose workplace learning that meets a purpose, is practical and focuses on solving problems.

The most important factor in helping adults learn is that they recognise that there is a need to learn.

If people don’t’ recognise a need for learning then they will not learn. The result of learning is that you are in some way different than you were before.

If there hasn’t been any changes to skills, knowledge and/or attributes then no learning has actually taken place. And no matter how interactive, fun and interesting the learning environment is our freedom of choice will determine if weallow ourselves to be changed by the experience.

Change happens when we Think, Do and/or Feel different

If we don’t believe we have a need to change – we won’t.

How do you realise a need to learn?

It needs to start with acceptance that there may be a another/better way of doing something. To be open to the thought that there may be another option or alternative we need to be convinced. We need proof.

Proof of course is subjective. Different people need different types and amounts of evidence to establish proof.

What can be used as proof?

You can use research or study results, information from agreed “experts” in their field, real relevant examples of the alternative methods achieving desirable outcomes for other people and/or organisations that are similar to you.

As the trainer/facilitator you need to:

  1. Establish credibility and connect with the learners
  2. Use delivery techniques that are targeted to the audience
  3. Demonstrate that there is a problem with the current method and it needs improvement
  4. Ask the learners to reflect and analyse their current practices
  5. Obtain agreement that their may be an alternative

Once enough relevant evidence has been established and we’ve accepted that there may be an alternative then we’re ready to receive the learning.

Are you ready to learn?