9 05, 2016

The 3 Real Obstacles to Innovation – Part 3

This article is a follow up to my previous article "The 3 Real Obstacles to Innovation - Part 1" (Fear of Failure) & "The 3 Real Obstacles to Innovation - Part 2" (Not a good idea) Welcome to Part 3 and the final article in this series 3. Innovation is not part of Business as Usual Innovation that [...]

1 03, 2016

The 3 Real Obstacles to Innovation – Part 2

This article is a follow up to my previous article "The 3 Real Obstacles to Innovation - Part 1" In Part 1 I wrote about the importance of businesses to be innovative to not only achieve growth but also to be sustainable. I also wrote about how I believe Australia's National Innovation & Science Agenda doesn't [...]

17 02, 2016

The 3 real obstacles to innovation – Part 1

There's lots of talk about the importance of being innovative in business. Innovation is necessary for businesses to not only survive but grow and be sustainable in the long term. Innovation leads to better products, processes, reusing resources and waste and improving the competitive advantage of the business. Innovation is a hot topic especially in [...]